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Four Cheap Ways to Get to Vegas

Not everyone can afford to pick up the phone and order a luxury holiday in Las Vegas.   True, there are some great deals once you’re there, and a lot of the casino resorts will offer you cut-throat prices on their accommodation if you play at their casinos, but  you still have to physically get to Vegas.  Here are some of the cheap ways you can make your way to Sin City in order to take advantage of what this great place has to offer you:

Ride Shares

There are lots of people traveling to Vegas in an empty car who would only be too happy to have someone along for the company and to share in the price of gas.  But where do you find them, other than word of mouth? The best place to begin would be Craigslist and you are sure to find someone who is hopping over to Vegas for the weekend or for a business trip advertising on the list.  Naturally, there are risks involved in taking rides with strangers, and you need to trust your gut instincts here.  Try and find out a bit about your driver before you take him or her up on the offer, and you may feel safer if you travel with a friend.


Buses are more expensive than splitting the cost of a tank of gas, but you are assured a degree of safety and security.  The decision to take a bus should depend on how long your journey is (ie. your point of departure) and how long you believe you can spend sitting in a seat that is not always the height of luxury.


Contrary to what those advertisements want you to believe, last minute deals don’t always work out cheaper.  If you know your dates, it is often cheaper to pay for your ticket a month in advance.  The down side is that you can’t cancel or change these dates because you probably won’t get your money back.  Low season prices are obviously cheaper than high season and you could secure a good deal if you buy hotel accommodation as well.


Hitchhiking obviously comes with its risks, but it’s the cheapest way to get into Las Vegas.  Your safest bet is getting a ride from Los Angeles, because that is the starting point for many Vegas visitors.  Again, trust your gut instinct and don’t take any unnecessary risks.

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  1. Top Vegas Tips | Casino B Blog linked to this post on September 24, 2011

    […] I gave you a couple of tips on the cheapest way to reach Las Vegas and I got some great feedback.  Many of you asked how they could continue to enjoy Vegas on a […]

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