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What’s to Bet it Will Rain on the Royal Wedding?

Ah… there is nothing better the British like to talk about more than the weather. And since it rains a great majority of the time there, it stands to reason that table talk will usually comprise a sentence or two about rain.  But when it threatens to rain on one of the biggest events to feature the royal family since Diana’s wedding to Prince Charles, the subject of the weather grabs headlines. Literally. 

Prince William is due to marry Kate Middleton this Friday, and betting sites are going wild with last minute markets regarding this fantastic event.  Literally millions of people from all over the world will watch the Royal Wedding, and all details have been planned to the very last detail – but there is one thing that the planners cannot control and that is the weather.

While the forecasters are doing anything but forecasting in case they are proven wrong, the general feeling is that there is a good chance that Kate will have to ‘make do’ with the glass carriage to arrive at the cathedral in so as not to get wet. However, bookies are trying to be as optimistic as possible and are still convinced that the day of the wedding will stay dry – at least for when the bride and groom make their way in and out of the church. Bookmakers, William Hill, are offering odds of 1/5 that it won’t be raining when the royal party turns up at the church, as well as odds of 1/10 that it will remain dry when they leave the church after the service. A spokesperson for William Hill said: “The latest forecasts suggest that the rain should stay away on the big day, at least until after the service.”

But although weather is clearly a national obsession, there are other things that punters can bet on relating to the royal wedding. For example, will Kate ditch her prince at the altar (100/1 that she will!)? What color hat will the queen wear? What will the guests eat (you even have the option to bet that they’ll be getting Happy Meals from McDonalds!), where they’ll go on their honeymoon and when will the first royal baby arrive?

See you Friday!

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