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Murphy’s Law: The Funniest Las Vegas Tale Ever

Las Vegas is one of those towns that always attracts attention, whether good or bad.  There is so much action going on, with so many visitors, celebs and big names, that there are bound to be stories coming out of the City that Never Sleeps on a regular basis. Some of these tales have been proven to be urban legends, while others are quite true.  Whatever the case, you can bet (and yes, pun intended) that stories about Las Vegas are as entertaining as the city itself.

My favorite tale is the one about a genteel old Southern belle, in her Golden Years, who is taken by her grandaugther to Las Vegas as an 80th birthday present. The old dear had never left the South before and was quite looking forward to the most exciting adventure of her life, but at the same time she was quivering with fear, after hearing stories about the seedy side of Vegas.  After arriving in the hotel, the old dear and her grandaughter checked into their rooms and the younger woman went to sleep after their long drive. 

Grandma decided to go down to the lobby and found herself in the elevator quivering with excitement. Suddenly, three huge men get into the elevator with her and stand behind her. The old lady is petrified and doesn’t know how to react. Suddenly, one of them says in a big booming voice “HIT THE FLOOR” (as in, push the button).  In a split second, the old lady lay down on the floor of the elevator, shivering to no end as the elevator went from floor to floor, and the three men laughing so loudly behind her that they could hardly stand.

Only after they got out of the elevator on their floor did she allow herself to stand up, and rushed to tell her granddaughter about her adventures.  Two days later, a note was left for the pair in their hotel cubby box – “Thanks for the biggest laugh ever” and signed ‘Eddie Murphy’.  It turns out that one of the men was the actor himself, while the other two were his bodyguards.

Urban legend? True story? Doesn’t really matter – it made me laugh!

Posted in Las Vegas.

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  1. Las Vegas Tidbits | Casino B Blog linked to this post on May 10, 2011

    […] thing that you may not be aware of is that The Strip is actually not part of Las Vegas! The Strip is in fact part of unincorporated land governed by Clark County and the city limits […]

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